Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Notebook

Let me preface this by saying that this is legit the first time that I have actually seen 'The Notebook'. That may be sad, it may not be. Regardless, it's true. I have heard about people talking about it since it was released in theatres in 2004. Essentially, it's about a woman's whom is retold the story of her own life from a book she wrote herself. At the end of the film, it shows her husband, Noah, flipping to the beginning of the book where she wrote "The story of our lives by Allison Hamilton Calhoun. To my love, Noah, Read this to me and I'll come back to you." The film is adapted from the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name. I have not read the book either, so this was a completely new experience for me as I was expecting a very romantic, gushy, chick-flick type film. It took me about half of the film to realize that the story was about Allie as the flashbacks are longer than the current-time scenes. The story itself is very beautiful and while the plot is mainly an old woman with dementia is being forced to remember her wonderful life, the portrayal of the characters by the cast is amazing. The younger versions of Allie and Noah, Rachel McAdams & Ryan Gosling do wonderful and completely fit in the 40s and 50s that the main part of the film takes place in. The costuming and make-up was done so beautifully, there was not even a hair out place. The film is not as chick-flick type as I had imagined, however. It had a feel of a romantic docudrama if anything. I'm not sure if this film can be cast in any kind of normal film genre, though. Maybe a romance. The nurse at the end of the film was very sweet, letting Noah go see Allie, using a ridiculous excuse to disappear for awhile. After that, the sweetest moment of the film happens, Allie remembers Noah without being read anything. Noah climbs into bed with his wife and they fall asleep, only to be found, finally together again in peaceful death. The costuming was perfect for the time periods, the character and actors were amazing. It was certainly interesting to watch. So, until next time--

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